First Draft

I finished the first draft of my first novel. All 90,000 words of it. Okay, not exactly 90,000 words but 94,059 words. The first thing I did when I wrote that last word was to slump in my chair and let out a big sigh. This was the result of writing an average of 600… Continue reading First Draft

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The Meaning of Life

We ask what is the meaning of life as if anyone could tell us what that means in an objective way. As if anyone knows. Perhaps, we are asking the wrong question. Maybe we should be asking: What is the meaning of my life? Our actions, how we treat others, and the way we live… Continue reading The Meaning of Life

My Fear of Publishing

That’s right. I have a fear of publishing stories. I’m not sure if that is an understandable or irrational fear. I’ve been writing fiction more seriously in the past months and when it comes time to edit and publish, I hesitate because a piece of me is afraid it will be judged once it is… Continue reading My Fear of Publishing

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Childlike Curiosity

Thinking about how, when I am out and about in the streets, I would see children staring at me. Staring at my head specifically. I can tell they are staring at my Cochlear Implant processor. And they would stare and stare at me. Some would come up to me and point at my head asking… Continue reading Childlike Curiosity

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Premature Commitment

The idea of committing too early to pursuing an idea or accepting a project without weighing out the pros and cons. Without checking whether you are in fact, spreading yourself too thin. You wind up with more than needs to be on your plate because of this new idea that came to you when you… Continue reading Premature Commitment

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Our limited time

I don’t like to think about death. I’ve known people younger than me and people my age who have died. So it’s not like I can con myself into thinking I’m too young to die. An idea that has kept revealing itself to me is how short human time really is. One of the things… Continue reading Our limited time

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How we are never free

I think many people know we are not really all that free. We can’t just do what we want. And this applies no matter how rich, connected, or powerful you are. But I have met certain people who unconsciously believe they can do what they want. This can manifest in things like binge drinking, avoiding… Continue reading How we are never free

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The beauty of the internet age

Occasionally I come across a new idea or philosophy that I need to bounce off somebody. To discuss the merits/demerits or whatever. Let’s say I pick a friend nearby to discuss it with, this may be because I’m boring but oftentimes you can see their eyes glaze over and maybe they pick up their phone… Continue reading The beauty of the internet age

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Starting a practice

I set up this website not necessarily for an audience, at least for now. But to build a practice of writing every day. The blog is not the main focus. The short stories are. I hope to get better at writing fiction, as this is something I have never really had practice writing. Although I’ve… Continue reading Starting a practice

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